
I offer therapy to people in 5 states, however I am developing course content that will be available to people in any location. Please return for these courses soon! 

February Class Sessions with Kate McNulty, an Autistic therapist.

Classes are open to Oregon and Washington State residents only

Dating for Autistics // Life with Your Autistic Partner

Dating for Autistics:
Learn How to Date without Wasting Your Time

Free introductory talk on Wednesday January 31st, 6 to 7 PM. Email to register for the talk.

Are you discouraged about dating?
Wondering why it is so difficult to meet compatible people?
Maybe you’re curious about how other autistic adults are handling their dating lives.

This class will address the following topics and participants will add their own agendas as we get acquainted:

Learn about tactics for more effective dating

Work with your strengths and recognize your vulnerabilities

Spot red flags quickly and address them tactfully

Customize your dating approach by putting your autistic traits to work for you

Give and receive support with people who understand

Free introductory talk

Wednesday January 31st, 6 to 7 PM.
to register for the talk.

Classes will be held online
Wednesday evenings for six weeks from 6 to 7 PM
No meeting on Valentine’s Day
Meeting dates: February 7, 21, 28, March 6, 13, 20
Fee is $210, payable in advance
To request fee accommodations, please email

Dating for Autistics:
Learn How to Date without Wasting Your Time

6 Classes — Only $210 


Add to cart and flow through checkout.

Life with Your Autistic Partner:
A Class for Non-autistic People
Who Would Like to Improve their Relationships

Free introductory talk on Wednesday January 31st, 7 to 8 PM. Email to register for the talk.

Are you feeling regret or confusion about your “spectrum” relationship?
Do you often feel puzzled by your autistic spouse or partner?
If you wish your relationship was easier and want more affection in your life, this class is for you.

Makes sense of autistic behaviors and attitudes

Learn the most effective ways to get your needs met by your autistic partner

Work with the differences between you to achieve the best of both worlds

Share perspective and stories with others who “get it“

Enrich your relationship with humor and affection

Classes will be held online
Wednesday evenings for six weeks from 7 to 8 PM
No meeting on Valentine’s Day
Meeting dates: February 7, 21, 28, March 6, 13, 20
Fee is $250, payable in advance
To request fee accommodations, please email

Free introductory talk

Wednesday January 31st, 7 to 8 PM
to register for the talk.

Life with Your Autistic Partner:
A Class for Non-autistic People
Who Would Like to Improve their Relationships

6 Classes — Only $250 


Add to cart and flow through checkout.

Life Skills for Meltdowns, Shutdown and Bad Days


Joy, Pleasure and Passion for Mixed Neurotype Couples


Positive Relationship Habits for Non-Conforming People

coming soon

Self-Sufficiency and Your Autistic Teen or Young Adult

coming soon

Call Us

(503) 295-6265

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